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What’s on the curing racks now

With my little trick or treaters enjoying the rewards of their long walk last night, I can enjoy a moment and start planning the next batch.  I’ve anxiously been watching the racks here and waiting for some of the new bars to be ready.  No, I’m not talking about the medieval torture racks!  The racks here are the curing racks where new soaps hang out for about thirty days after being created.  This is their chance to settle down, drop some water weight, and torture ME as I wait for them to be ready.  Technically, they’re completely ready and safe to use since the chemical reaction neutralizes any potential nasties but traditional cold process techniques allow the soaps to cure for that thirty days before they are “done.”  Although I will admit to being guilty of grabbing some off the rack early because I’m too impatient and just have to try it out!

Due to come off this week are a second round of my Castille soap which is made from 100% olive oil and hubby’s Cedar and Spice soap.  I know my boys have been very patient in waiting on that one and I am quite curious to see how quickly this batch disappears!  Knowing their past history of that line, I should probably get started on another one of those before very long.  The coffee soap is also about ready to come off and it is looking great.  It has the color of a very dark roasted coffee and I’m curious to see the bubble factor from this milled batch.  I pulled the Texas Suds over the weekend and stashed those away so by next week, I should have all my racks empty and ready for another round.  Hooray!

Cedar & Spice on the Rack

I’m probably going to make another unscented batch again and definitely another Chocolate Brownie.   Now to pick a third…..

-Dorothy, Texas Pioneer Creations

1 thought on “What’s on the curing racks now

  1. Wow… they look good enough to eat! Cedar and spice sounds like nice smells for men as well.

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