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Busy Cooking Weekend

We were very busy this weekend but I did manage to spend quite a bit of time over the soap pots.  Happy me!  What did I mix up?  I finally got a Sweet Pea soap made that my littlest one has been wanting, a whipped lavender soap with dried flower buds in it, and a regular cold process oven baked Lavender.  The Castile soaps are feeling great so far; they are so worth the effort.  I also got a little creative and mixed up a concoction from odds and ends so we are anxiously waiting to see what happens with that one.  The smells from the Sweet Pea and Lavender are awesome.  I pulled the other soaps from the racks and got pictures taken of everything so I will share later this week.  Just have to get them uploaded from the camera…

I will be at Donna Lamy’s Westgate Neighborhood Market Day on November 15th so stop by and say hi if you’re in the area!


3 thoughts on “Busy Cooking Weekend

  1. I can’t wait to try cold process soap making!

  2. Hey Dorothy,
    Can you make an all cinnamon scented soap? No other scents with it. Let your Aunt Mar know if you can’t reach me.

    1. Yes! Have one that we just finished testing and it’s actually my son’s favorite now. It’s in a regular base soap so it is white with a reddish brown speckled appearance. (Corrected for my spelling slip-up. Need more coffee!)

Thoughts? We love friendly discussions and feedback!