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Distracted by paperwork

Posting this week is going to be short on words, everyone.  The tax man beckons me to finish up our forms and the kitchen calls me to finish my new batch of the Moroccan Mint and gift boxes.  Soaps on the curing rack need turning and the garden sways in the breeze.  Which to finish first?  Ahh, hard choices.  I will post the pictures I promised for your tax day enjoyment and then get back to work.  Hope you enjoy!

Happy Washing and hope everyone meets their deadlines!


Sage growing
Sage growing
Beer on Rack April 2012
Beer on Rack April 2012
Beer & Honeysuckle April 2012
Beer & Honeysuckle April 2012
Chunking Soap
Chunking soap for confetti.
Swirling Practice
Practicing my swirling on small batches.
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And the winner of the drawing is…

All the names have been placed into the soap pot and stirred around until at least a light trace has been achieved… Sorry, soap humor there.  We are happy to announce that winner of the giveaway weekend is Angela Greer!  Congratulations on your three bar gift bag and hope that it puts a smile on your face.  Please check your email for details and respond to us soon!  For those who did not win, please don’t fret! I had fun with this and fully plan to hold another one at a later date.  I also owe a huge thank you to Jenny Henderson, my Pampered Chef buddy, who took the time around her moving to make sure my goodies were out at the market.  She helped set up the drawing out at the market and recommends the chocolate soap too!  Here’s a pic of one of the displays she made for both us.

Jenny's Display

Thanks again Jenny.  If anyone needs great kitchen items, just let her know.  She can be found at and my recommendation list could go on for a while….

What is cooking around here this week?  Spring is in the air and my kitchen smells sweet.  The breeze that blows in smells of our orange blossoms in the yard, honeysuckle wafts from the curing racks, and the sage and citrus scrub teases my nose.  All of the pretty green shoots in the garden make me smile and I play with ideas of green soap.  Beautiful blue skies inspire another run with the soap colors.  Maybe try again with the flames in the bars?  Can I match the color of some of these flowers here in the garden?  Anything ready to be harvested yet that I can play with?  I’ve had inspiration strike again while daydreaming in the sun- back to the soap pots!

Happy Washing!


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Soap garden growing

So this beautiful weather has been great for the soap garden in addition to my spirits.  We’ve been busy here helping those little green sprouts pop up and attempting to keep them weed free.  Well, as much as possible.  The cilantro, sage, and some of the flowers have really taken off now.  With any luck, and no record-breaking drought here in Texas this year, these little guys might actually make it into the soaps!  I’m really hoping to get to work with them soon.

What on earth would possess me to add some of the garden bounty to my soap?  Why not?  There are many items we use in soap making for aromatherapy in addition to their coloring abilities.  Vanilla is a prime example of an additive that both changes the smell and will most definitely darken your soap.  Calendula flowers will create a pretty color while lavender ones can make a great texture change to the soap.  I wanted to use some of the fresh herbs and flowers in soap making while being able to honestly say whether or not they were grown pesticide free.  Growing my own lets me control exactly how they are treated.  If I want pesticide free flowers or truly fresh-cut herbs in my next batch, I just step out back and a cut off what I need.  No guessing or hoping about what might have been added to my botanicals.  Although I do have to guess about the weather for growing them and Texas weather tends to keep all of us guessing!

The sun is rising here now and I must get back to the soap pot.  Hope your weekend is a pretty out there as mine looks to be.  Donna’s Market is going on this weekend and you can find some of my info there at her booth.  She will be taking any orders you may have for me Saturday while there.  I will be in my regular weekly spots until CHA’s Family Fun Day in May where you will find me again!

Happy Washing!
