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A Laugh for Friday

As the work week comes to a close, I wanted to share a giggle with you that I’ve enjoyed for a long time. I have always enjoyed a good laugh, especially at my own expense, and know that many other people could use one once in awhile. While gathering rain water this week, I remembered a great soaping laugh I’ve had and meant to share. Whether you are a soaper, wanna-be soaper, or know someone obsessed with the craft, I hope that you enjoy it as much as I have.

Many, many soapers over the years have flocked to Kathy Miller’s soap pages to learn about the nuts & bolts of soaping. On her site, there is an abundance of information about both traditional and modern methods, troubleshooting, and recipes. And that’s just for starters. One of my all time favorite pages on her site is entitled “What Kind of Soaper Are You?” which started from an email she had with a friend. Over the years, many people have added to the list describing soapers in this world and it has grown into quite a good laugh. The list includes great entries like the Mad Scientist, Group Soapers, The Recreational Soaper, (Supposedly) Cured Soaper, and one of the ones I channeled this week- the Rainy Day Soaper. Honestly, I’m still laughing as I’m typing this post today. My cheeks & ribs are sore from giggling. Even if you never plan to make soap, you would probably have a great laugh if you stop by this page! As Kathy has so graciously allowed me to blog about her and her site, here is the direct link for your enjoyment. (If it won’t link correctly, copy & paste the address into your address bar.) Can you figure out which ones describe me the most often? If someone guesses, I promise to confess my soaping personalities!

I must now sign off for the weekend. I will be working behind the scenes on the website as I hunt down the broken code that’s blocking the pictures. If all goes well, the rest of David Vu’s pictures should be loaded by Monday onto all of the pages. Emails and Facebook are probably the best way to catch me today as I’m not working from the usual location today. Hope your weekend goes well and you have a great laugh to brighten your day!

Happy Washing!