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Back to work after day camp

Luckily, I’m better with soaping than I am with a drill press or hammer.  I’ve mentioned before that I can be hazardous to my own health with some power tools and I managed to prove it without a doubt.  In my amazing display of talent, I managed to beat up myself enough to need a few band aids over the two weeks, injure half of my fingers, but not teach any Cub Scouts bad words 🙂  We had to take a small hiatus to let my thumbs heal up enough from working at day camp but it was full steam ahead this week!

All the racks are full again and the kitchen smells great.  There had been requests for more Sage & Citrus and Rain so we got both of those poured and cut.  Both batches are still color morphing as of today so I’m curious just what color they will be when done.  I took some initial pictures and will post them with the final results.  Cold process soap making is notorious for bringing a little excitement to the color schemes and not always following your best laid plans.  My impatience also might have ruined one Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey batch but I’m still contemplating rebatching it so I’ll save that whole fiasco for us all to have a good laugh on a Friday .  We also made more laundry soap base this week and should be shredding it by this weekend.  All in all, it’s been great getting back to work!

Currently in stock and ready to ship are our Chocolate, Ginger Peach, Vegan Beer Soap, and the Shea Butter Sage & Citrus.  These new batches that we whipped up this week won’t be ready to leave us until mid-July.  Preorders are still available for some of them though so drop us a line if there is one you want held for you!  We are also waiting on a shipment of some of our favorite scents so there should be another round of soapmaking very soon in my future- woohoo!  Now I must run as the giant mud puddle out back somehow lured my children into it and they are in serious need of some soap.  Hope your neck of the woods gets some of this much needed rain too!

Happy Washing to you all!


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And the winner of the drawing is…

All the names have been placed into the soap pot and stirred around until at least a light trace has been achieved… Sorry, soap humor there.  We are happy to announce that winner of the giveaway weekend is Angela Greer!  Congratulations on your three bar gift bag and hope that it puts a smile on your face.  Please check your email for details and respond to us soon!  For those who did not win, please don’t fret! I had fun with this and fully plan to hold another one at a later date.  I also owe a huge thank you to Jenny Henderson, my Pampered Chef buddy, who took the time around her moving to make sure my goodies were out at the market.  She helped set up the drawing out at the market and recommends the chocolate soap too!  Here’s a pic of one of the displays she made for both us.

Jenny's Display

Thanks again Jenny.  If anyone needs great kitchen items, just let her know.  She can be found at and my recommendation list could go on for a while….

What is cooking around here this week?  Spring is in the air and my kitchen smells sweet.  The breeze that blows in smells of our orange blossoms in the yard, honeysuckle wafts from the curing racks, and the sage and citrus scrub teases my nose.  All of the pretty green shoots in the garden make me smile and I play with ideas of green soap.  Beautiful blue skies inspire another run with the soap colors.  Maybe try again with the flames in the bars?  Can I match the color of some of these flowers here in the garden?  Anything ready to be harvested yet that I can play with?  I’ve had inspiration strike again while daydreaming in the sun- back to the soap pots!

Happy Washing!


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What’s in stock now

As promised, here is the current stock list and spring sale prices.  Soaps are a minimum of 4 oz. when cut and individually packaged.    All Texas sales will include sales tax.  Online sales will be quoted shipping at order.  Gift sets and custom orders available upon request.  Looking for a specific scent?  Let me know!

Chocolate Soap $3.50/bar- 18 bars available

Vanilla Soap $3.50/bar- only 4 bars left

Homestead Soap (Unscented, no additives) $3.00/bar- only 5 bars left

Cedar Soap $3.50/bar- only 1 left

Olive Oil Castile Soap $3.50 bar- 9 bars left

My milling of the beer soap (see previous post) will push it into April before it will be ready.  The honeysuckle should be on this list before the end of spring too!  Those who put in preorders will be notified as soon as they are ready to ship.  For you guys, there are the Teakwood & Moroccan Mint on the way too.  Why am I excited about these guy scents?  Because of the poor men who would come to me and say they don’t want to smell sweet or like flowers!  They want something with a bit more manliness to it.   These are definitely more manly and the ladies have all responded with two thumbs up so far.  My personal favorites for the guys- beer (Texas Suds here since we do local beers in it) and teakwood- woohoo!

I am interested in your feedback, commenting here or emailing me privately, about loyalty programs.  I have pondered these programs many times and find some attractive to me as a customer while others were too involved.  I’ve seen the buy one get one free deals, the offer for a discount off your next order, frequent shopper discounts or freebies, collecting points to redeem, and the “members get advance notice” ideas, just to name a few.  I will take advantage of some of these as a customer while others just seem to be too much trouble.  What is better to your family?  Do you think the programs are worth it?  What are some of your favorites?  Or are they a way to help justify higher prices?

Due to schedule conflicts, I will not be able to attend Donna’s Spring Market this month.  I am adjusting my calendar while we handle the recent family death and will keep you posted where you will be able to find me.  I can still be found locally at my regular spots and always available online!  Now the sun is rising again and the soap molds are calling me.  I must submit to their siren song.  Hope your day is a beautiful as this one looks to be here!

Happy Washing!
