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Sick time off

Well, the whole family managed to get sick so that kept me away from uploading pictures.  Since we are starting to feel better, I snuck off to the computer to play catch up!  While we were fighting off the sick germs, got some cinnamon soap cooked up that looks pretty neat; my son said it looked like pie wedges when it was cut.  Now starts the long wait until it can be used!  Also finished up the kid’s hats & scarves for their Christmas presents so we’ve been busy in our little ways….

Cut Cinnamon bars

The lavender soap went all wonky while we were sick so I was pretty bummed.  Looks like the “essential oil” I was sold wasn’t really lavender.  Will have to try again but it hurt to have to toss all that soap.  It started out ok but about five days in, the smell changed and color morphed into this yellowish color and then they kept going downhill from there.  Oh well, live and learn and cook some more!  Here are some of the promised pictures from last week.

Everything that came off the racks
Everything that came off the racks
Lavender before morph

1 thought on “Sick time off

  1. I’m really sorry they sold you a bad lavender essential oil! Especially since you had to throw all that soap away. I would have gotten really sad myself!

    I wrote a post about how to find good quality essentials oils that I hope helps:

    Your soaps are really nice btw. I hope I can make really beautiful soaps in the future.

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