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Too Pretty?!?!?

Confetti Moroccan Mint just cut
Confetti Moroccan Mint just cut

Here is a picture of the new confetti Moroccan Mint soap that I had created for hubby.  I was jazzed.  The colors were bright and the smell was right on the mark.  I gave it a few days and the blues & greens started popping even more.  Got a great shape, cool looking top, and I knew I was on top of the world.  I proudly showed him my labor of love, knowing he would recognize I was queen of his shower.  Then, I had a comment from hubby that threw me for a loop!  “It’s too pretty for a guy’s soap.”  Huh????  I was floored.

Ok, I know the guys don’t want to run around smelling like they rolled in a flower bed.  I get that they avoid the frilly, sweet, and cute items.  Those are for the girls, they tell me.  I hand a guy a bar of woodsy, musky, or beer soap and they get all excited.  But to say it’s too pretty??  A guy can’t have a bar of soap look interesting?  It’s not like you’re going to place it on your desk at work or parade it down the street.  (Or do you?  Now I’m curious.)  Can’t a guy have something interesting to look at in the shower besides the walls?

So readers, what do you think?  Is this too pretty for a guy’s soap?  Should I keep the guys in natural colored soaps only?  Or should I just smile at his comment and keep at it?

Happy Washing!


7 thoughts on “Too Pretty?!?!?

  1. Nah, it’s not too pretty for your hubby to use in the shower since he probably won’t be wearing it in his shirt pocket like a hanky or tucked into his lapel like a boutonniere out in public. Who cares what it looks like as long as it does the job intended. Now if you planned on selling bars geared towards men, I could see that not many guys would buy it. The neutral tones are their territory, but if this does the job of cleaning, smells like your guy, then do the latter – smile at his comment and keep at it. Just sayin’.

    1. I know they like the colors the soaps turn naturally from our herbs, oils, and the add-ins. I was thinking “it’s just going to be rubbed into a washcloth or parts of a body so why not have a little fun”, you know? 🙂 Luckily, the beer soap is a nice brown lol

      1. Guys are kinda funny sometimes, as you and I well know. I’ve known my guy for 40 years and still the things he likes can take me by surprise at times while others, well, he’s an open book. They like to be men, smell, look, behave, be perceived as men. Funny thing though, a large portion of the male population has blue for a favorite color. The perversity of the beast, I guess.

        1. I know! Gotta love them!

  2. Pretty is good for them, whether they like it or not. It keeps them in touch with their feminine side. My belief is that men secretly like pretty soaps just as much, if not more than the ladies.

    1. And I do like to occasionally push a little bit of art onto them. Glad you’re doing well, Jaime.
      (Clarification: I like to push a little art into the lives of the guys in my household. -Dorothy)

  3. Of course you should smile at his comment, I believed he just praised your delicate craft.

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