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Back at it!

Thank you to those who waited so patiently while we were closed last week and those who reached out to help us.  Your understanding and kindness were greatly appreciated!

I will post a quick inventory update later this week- how about that?  Two posts in the same week?!?!?  I know that I promised a complete update on what I have on hand and will get it done this week.

While we were closed and going through things, I did play with the beer soap.  I confess.  It was begging me, pleading with me.  My first pour of it had resulted in a pretty swirl that reminded me of cream being swirled into coffee at first.  Unfortunately, my color swirl failed and I felt it got ugly- fast!  I left it sitting for the first few days while I was getting a hold of things personally.  I could smell the soap when I was near it and it taunted me.  The color just got to where it flat-out annoyed me and I decided to mill the soap.  For those who don’t know what milled soap is, let me explain.

Milled soap, which does go by other names, is simply soap that was created, shredded down at least once, remelted, and remolded.  You can shred and remelt to your heart’s content.  Honestly, a lot of the soaps you purchase in the stores are milled.  Done well, you can create a beautiful, compact bar of soap and have a chance to use more “perishable” soap add-ins.  For example, you can use botanicals or scents that might not survive the harshness of the cold process of soapmaking.  This is a great technique for your ugly soaps too!  I grabbed out my grater and took no prisoners that afternoon.  Those defenseless shreds found themselves dumped into the soaping crock, melted to gooey blobiness, and then unceremoniously plopped into molds.  Tons of fun!  (Is blobiness even a real word?  Don’t know but it’s fun to say.  Try it like “blob-E-ness” and see for yourself.)

I must also confess to being hooked on this scent.  The beer soaps are usually compared to the smell of something baked and fresh out of the oven.  No, you don’t smell like a freshly opened bottle of beer!  This scent has that same warm, yeasty hook to it and then something special.  I swear I’ve got to get some of this onto the hubby- fast!  It might be a hard call between this beer soap round and the Indonesian Teakwood for my favorite manly scent.  I will let you know and would love to hear your votes!

The sun is now up here and I must go water the garden and feed the animals.  May your day be great, life go your way today, and your troubles be small.

Happy Washing!


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Cauldron Bubble

It’s a wonderfully rainy day here in my neck of the woods.  Looking outside since before dawn, I’ve enjoyed a beautiful lightning show and heard raindrops bouncing off my roof.  Peaceful bliss as I daydream of a spring garden in my now weed-filled garden box.  I picture fresh green shoots pushing their way up; maybe some lavender again, lemon verbena, rosemary, cilantro.  Ahhh, spring is on its way.  Too wet to paint house today so my mind wanders…

In the back of my mind though arises soapy thoughts.  Those lovely garden plans would be great whipped up into some soaps like I’d been planning for the spring.  Fresh lavender?  Rosemary infused oils?  Oh yeah- now I’m getting even more excited!!  So I give the storm one last salute as I race into the kitchen for my soap pot and stick blenders.  Momma’s gonna make some more soap today- yee haw!  Grab the oils, contemplate if there’s enough beer in the fridge for me to snag some of his and make that beer soap again.  Probably would be noticed with Super Bowl tomorrow so add beer to grocery list to replace the two I just took.  Colors?!?!  I just got some more colors to play with.  The family sees the soap pot and supplies on the counter, that mad scientist look in my eyes, and just smile at me.  Hope your weekend is as great as mine looks to be!

Happy Washing!




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Well, as you have discovered, I finally stepped away from the soap pot long enough to get my blog page started. I will continue getting everything loaded and hope to have some pictures up soon.   I’m still busy working on some new recipes, growing the herbs, and researching all I can.  Hope to have some fun new varieties out for you to enjoy soon.  Until I get the shopping cart worked out, you can email me directly for orders or questions.  Thanks for your patience guys!
Happy Washing!
-Texas Pioneer Creations