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Green Tea Sand Soap

Green Tea Sand Soap

For this week, we’re highlighting the Green Tea Sand Soap I made last week.  Sand soap is very popular around here for cleaning off the dirt and grime we cover ourselves in while playing in the gardens, repairing the homestead, and working in the garage.  The picture above was while the bars were being cut and you can still see the swirling from when it was poured into the mold.

What on earth would possess me to add sand or green tea to my soaps?  Well, I don’t do it for all the soaps and I can’t honestly claim the idea of either to be my own invention.  I know a few mechanics and construction workers and they know I make soap.  One day during a conversation, someone brought up the old Lava soap hand scrub they used to use and how they’d had problems with finding it or a good replacement.  The substitute ones used at work weren’t doing the job anymore.  My gardening friend also lamented about the ground-in dirt from her spending all day working hard.  Long story short, I was fascinated with the idea of making a mechanic’s scrub for them that was gentle enough for the gardener’s mature skin.    I have mentioned before I’m a researching geek, right?

I spent a bit of time pouring over old recipes I could get my hands on, info on degreasing skin without stripping or destroying it, and testing different recipes built from my notes.  I created a soft scrub like they asked and I was on top of the world.  My hubby here discovered it also removed the mess off of him he had made while doing home repairs.  I was a happy girl!  Then came the best sand I had ever felt from a fellow local soaper named Denise.  She had the finest, softest sand I had ever played with and she had made her sand soaps into hard bars.   (Yeah, I played in the dirt as a kid.  Occasionally still do as an adult!)  It meant tweaking the recipe for me to do it but it was so worth it.  Now, we offer both a soft scrub and the firmer bars for you to choose from.  Denise, thank you again and again!

I do use real green tea in this soap, as usual for any of our tea soaps. The water for the lye solution was replaced with extra-strong tea that had been brewed the day prior and allowed to cool overnight.  The tea provides a little color to the soaping pot so I didn’t add any more color to this batch.  It has also added a light scent that the boys here deemed “manly enough” to pass muster.  These bars are a minimum of 6oz each and there are a few still available that are over 7oz.  Email me soon if you want them though because these are going fast.  I do get asked about the health benefits of using green tea soap and I have to be honest in my answer.  It is widely known that green tea is awesome for your body- as a drink.  How much of the antioxidant power survives the soaping process is still being debated.  I would love to think that washing in this soap will provide all the same benefits but the jury is out still.  To be safe, I have to say that it won’t cure those health problems you might want addressed any more than sleeping with your calculus book under your pillow allowed you to absorb everything for midterms in school, you know?  I will say that I do love how it feels on my skin though!

I will now sign off for the week so that I can go clean the soap pot.  Up next week will be some of the other soaps that are on the rack with many more pictures.  I hope that you and yours have had a safe week and enjoy your Labor Day weekend.  For our readers who are military, both active and retired, I wish to say thank you.  For our parent readers, especially the moms who understand that some labor never ends, may you enjoy at least a few minutes of peace and rest!

Happy Washing!


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Distracted by paperwork

Posting this week is going to be short on words, everyone.  The tax man beckons me to finish up our forms and the kitchen calls me to finish my new batch of the Moroccan Mint and gift boxes.  Soaps on the curing rack need turning and the garden sways in the breeze.  Which to finish first?  Ahh, hard choices.  I will post the pictures I promised for your tax day enjoyment and then get back to work.  Hope you enjoy!

Happy Washing and hope everyone meets their deadlines!


Sage growing
Sage growing
Beer on Rack April 2012
Beer on Rack April 2012
Beer & Honeysuckle April 2012
Beer & Honeysuckle April 2012
Chunking Soap
Chunking soap for confetti.
Swirling Practice
Practicing my swirling on small batches.
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Busy Week

So things were a bit busy around here this past week.  The garden has been growing and keeping us on our toes while the soap pot could barely stay empty.  As I type, the honeysuckle soaps sit contentedly curing.  The beer soap wafts across the room and teases my nose; there is a small mold begging me to make up just one more batch and fill it up so it won’t be left out of the party.  Some of the new soaps for summer are almost ready for pictures.  What a great week!  I will post pictures of the new soaps soon.

What I can post right now is our cute Mother’s Day boxes we worked on last week too.  One of my buddies had seen these cute boxes and inspiration struck her.  It can seem hard for the Dads & kids sometimes to find something unique and fun each year for Mom.  These make great gifts from the kids to Grandma also!  These currently are filled with small sample sized portions of soaps  in stock and are $7 each plus tax.  They can also be filled with Mom’s favorite regular sized bars but contact me for pricing and availability.  If you are ordering for Mother’s Day and have any concerns about shipping, please let me know!

Mother's Day Gift Boxes 2012

As for now, I must return to the kitchen.  Not to soap.  Oh no, not this time.  No pretty swirling or fun smells for me.  Sigh.  This time, we must clean up our mess from all the fun we had.  Someone crank up the music!  Hope your week has a least a little soapy fun in it too!

Happy Washing!
