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This week’s been a busy one here.  Everyone’s hopping, pots flying around, wild notes and calculations on soap math.  We’re getting ready for Donna’s Market and working on some new experiments.  Zombie fingers are coming along, a new scent is going thru trials, and I’m working on clearing the freshly cured soaps off the racks.  I know some soapers who absolutely LOVE wrapping their soaps and look forward to it with each batch.  I’m just too nit-picky with my own, I guess.  Takes me twice as long as I think it should but if I can get those racks empty, I can cook again next week- hooray!  I had a brainstorm about some holiday soaps that I really, really want to try out if there’s time.  Pumpkin thoughts are on my mind and peppermint infused soaps are in the works.  Now if I could just get that website finished….

For my beer soap lovers out there,  the next round of those should be ready to go home with you at Halloween.  We were able to find the scent again after our last supplier stopped carrying it- happy day!  I know Mr. Herbert will be dancing when he gets the news.  Hope that good news brightens up a day or two for my beer soap followers.  I danced for joy when I found the scent again but the kids just laughed at my dancing…..

I am closing down shop today around 2pm central time so that we can take a group of Cub Scouts out camping as promised.  I may get a signal out there in the woods where I can check emails but no promises.  Plan for us to return to business as usual on Monday and I will return your emails, calls, and posts then.  Don’t forget you can catch us on Facebook too while you’re hanging out there.  Hope everyone has as much fun this weekend as we’re planning!

Happy Washing!


2 thoughts on “Quickie

  1. Can I clone your article to my blog? Thank you.
    Welcome to my site

    1. Dog Yoga,
      I apologize but I am not 100% sure what you mean by cloning my article. I’ve usually heard of it as when people plagiarize another’s blog entries. If you want to reference my blog, link to it, trackback and the like, I would be ok with some of my enteries mentioned. I am not ok when people repost my entries as their own or plagiarize. Does that make sense? Please let me know if you have other questions or if I am still unclear. Thank you for visiting our blog and we wish you a great weekend!
      Texas Pioneer Creations

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