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Cauldron Bubble

It’s a wonderfully rainy day here in my neck of the woods.  Looking outside since before dawn, I’ve enjoyed a beautiful lightning show and heard raindrops bouncing off my roof.  Peaceful bliss as I daydream of a spring garden in my now weed-filled garden box.  I picture fresh green shoots pushing their way up; maybe some lavender again, lemon verbena, rosemary, cilantro.  Ahhh, spring is on its way.  Too wet to paint house today so my mind wanders…

In the back of my mind though arises soapy thoughts.  Those lovely garden plans would be great whipped up into some soaps like I’d been planning for the spring.  Fresh lavender?  Rosemary infused oils?  Oh yeah- now I’m getting even more excited!!  So I give the storm one last salute as I race into the kitchen for my soap pot and stick blenders.  Momma’s gonna make some more soap today- yee haw!  Grab the oils, contemplate if there’s enough beer in the fridge for me to snag some of his and make that beer soap again.  Probably would be noticed with Super Bowl tomorrow so add beer to grocery list to replace the two I just took.  Colors?!?!  I just got some more colors to play with.  The family sees the soap pot and supplies on the counter, that mad scientist look in my eyes, and just smile at me.  Hope your weekend is as great as mine looks to be!

Happy Washing!




1 thought on “Cauldron Bubble

  1. Double, double, toil & trouble!
    I *think* that’s your maniacal laugh I hear 😉
    Have so much fun!!

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